Learning Goals

  • Be able to use a goals-based approach to designing courses.
  • Determine prerequisite skills that will be needed to begin a lesson or course.
  • Consider scaffolding needs when planning a sequence of lessons.
  • Understand, take into consideration, and maximize the benefits of time and space, as it applies to online and blended education.
  • Create a positive and effective learning and work environment in both the creation and the instruction of an online or blended course.
  • Be aware of the role that basic needs - as defined by Maslow's Hierarchy - plays in learning and working, as applied to the online and blended environment.
  • Understand the concepts of mastery, proficiency, and competency.
  • Understand different types of learning goals and be able to clearly define the learning goals for a class.
  • Apply Bloom's taxonomy in the evaluation of learning goals, and be able to design learning and assessments to match the level per Bloom's.
  • Design assessments that can measure the defined learning goals of the class, mitigating for possible interference.
  • Explore methods in providing formative and instructional feedback, including for an iterative activity.
  • Know the causes of procrastination and academic integrity violations (e.g. plagiarism), and design activities and courses to prevent these concerns.
  • Design for a variety of learning modes and preferences, and understand how good learning is usually a "recipe" of several approaches.
  • Be aware of accessibility considerations.
  • Be able to create discussion questions worth discussing.
  • Explore online course layout options, both global and sequential.
  • Be aware of, and apply, formatting good practices for learning objects and the online classroom.

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